Meet the partners
ITCL Technology Centre
Founded in Burgos in 1989, with a multi-sector approach, our scope of action is international, although special attention is given to closest business environment.
Advanced technological services and cooperation with multiple companies in the design and execution of applied research processes, technological development and innovation projects, both technically and economically viable are offered in ITCL Technology Centre.
ITCL’s goal starts by boosting the use of technology and make technology more accessible, as a competitive tool for the business sector, positioning as a reference centre in technologies applied to production and intelligent solutions field. Their research groups develop and work on several tools in the electronical design, artificial intelligence, telemedicine, virtual reality and simulation, energy efficiency and monitoring and control systems fields.
Eden Tech
Eden Tech, a French deep-tech startup founded in 2017, has emerged from a decade of intensive research in high-performance microfluidic polymer materials. Their expertise in microfluidics, coupled with biomimetic designs, leads to groundbreaking innovations with exceptional energetic and physicochemical capabilities. Notably, they are pioneers in utilizing microfluidic technology enabling high-flow, for environmental applications. As a deep-tech SME, Eden Tech is committed to delivering sustainable, energy-efficient, and compact solutions aligned with the European Commission’s Zero Pollution Action Plan and the European Green Deal. They excel in material synthesis for microfluidic circuits, device design, and large-scale fabrication techniques, with a focus on applications in environmental sciences.
Weeefiner is a Finnish technology pioneer providing solutions to streamline current industrial processes and to increase utilization of production side streams. The combination of a new manufacturing method and traditional water treatment solutions has resulted in 4D Scavenger technology, which enables the recovery of dissolved materials from water streams in an unprecedented way.
We provide tools to turn low-value and toxic waste streams into valuable products and to reduce environmental impact. With our unique 4D Scavenger technology, we are able to selectively recover metals and nutrients from process and wastewaters. By returning the recovered materials back to the process, we can take the efficiency of the material cycle to the next level.
IRIS srl
IRIS is a solid innovative SME, based in the industrial area of Turin, specialized in the development of innovative technologies for the circular economy in small-scale industrial and civil realities.
Founded in 2012 by 4 friends who decided to combine skills, experiences and ideas in a new entrepreneurial project to bring to the market solutions based on the application of laser and plasma technology that stand out for their efficiency and competitiveness even on small-scale applications, often neglected by the market despite the magnitude of demand.
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institute of Oceanography
- Design and implementation of marine research
- Operational monitoring and forecasting of the marine environment (Aegean – Ionian Seas, Mediterranean basin)
- Support of policy and decision makers at national, regional and EU level regarding marine policies and regulations, especially considering societal and economic issues
- Wide dissemination of high-level marine and maritime services and products
- Development and exploitation of technological products
- Training and education
University of Angers
- 26,295 students (including 12% foreign students)
- 8 components (4 faculties, 1 UFR, 1 engineering school and 2 institutes)
- 125 nationalities represented
- 314 training courses (ministerial authorizations 2022-2028)
- 50 courses available on a work-study basis
- 141,846 m2 of premises (including 22,000 m2 dedicated to research)
- 2,083 staff
- More than 70 student associations that animate the campuses
- 26 research units and us : GA&P (Group of Analysis and Processes) : This research team attached to the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology at University of Angers is directed by Prof. Maxime PONTIE. This team is made up of 2 researchers, Mehri SHABANI, assistant Prof. (CERADE, ESAIP St Barthelemy d’Anjou) and Prof. Maxime PONTIE as well as 1 postdoc. (Serge MBOKOU dedicated to the iMERMAID project). In this project we will developped Electrochemical Sensors (ES) dedicated to organic micropollutants and multisensors platform dedicated to on site experiments.
VTT is a visionary research and innovation partner for companies and society – owned by the state of Finland
VTT is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, we turn large global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.
Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute
CMMI was established in April 2019 as a Centre of Excellence for marine and maritime research, innovation and technology development. It is based in the city of Larnaca in Cyprus.
Under the Institute there are ten Research and Innovation Centres that are involved in marine technology, marine robotics, maritime digitalisation, marine observation, marine and coastal ecosystems, marine biotechnology and aquaculture, the maritime human element, marine cultural heritage, marine and maritime policies and regional cooperation.
CMMI’s Scientific staff is involved in significant projects that will create solutions to issues that concern both the industry and society such as addressing decarbonisation, protecting and restoring marine biodiversity, preventing and eliminating pollution, building a digital knowledge system of the ocean and attracting, developing and retaining the blue economy workforce. They have expertise in various areas including naval architecture, marine and electrical engineering, aquaculture and marine resource management, oceanography, marine biology, robotics and artificial intelligence.
Water Europe
Water Europe (WE) is the recognized voice and promotor of water-related innovation, research, and technology development in Europe. WE is a purpose-driven multi-stakeholder association with over 250 members, representing the entire range of actors in the innovative water ecosystem. WE was established by the European Commission as a European Technology Platform. WE is guided in all its activities by its Water Vision with the ultimate ambition of achieving a Water-Smart Society.
National Engineering School of Gabes (ENIG), University of Gabes
The National Engineering School of Gabes (ENIG), created in 1975, is the senior higher education public institution of the 16 institutions of Gabes university that is just celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2023. ENIG has EUR-ACE accredited engineering programs in 5 disciplines (Chemical-Process, Civil, Electrical and Automation, Communication & Networks & Mechanical). ENIG has also three Masters and four PhD programs (in Chemical-Process, Electrical, Mechanical & computer science). The number of undergraduate and graduate students is close to 1000. ENIG is hosting 2 research units and 6 research laboratories, among which is the Process Engineering & Industrial Systems Laboratory (GPSI) that is fostering the research activities within the iMERMAID Horizon Europe Project.
University of Firenze
F6S is a global innovation leader, with our digital first approach to corporate innovation we allow corporates to connect and innovate with companies all over the world.
F6S is the #1 Corporate Innovation Community with over 4.7 million startup founders on F6S and our network of scout analysts our reach is unparalleled.
Privanova is a leading provider of Privacy Compliance and Risk Management Solutions. We offer a full range of services around addressing your privacy, data protection, and information security needs.
Participation in EU-funded, interdisciplinary research projects is one of our core activities. We are experienced in managing the whole EU project life-cycle: from consortium building and proposal drafting to communication, dissemination and exploitation.
SOCAMEX is a water company managing services involving the integral water cycle for almost 8 million people. For more than 35 years, our company has carried out services related to abstraction, purification, treatment, regeneration and reuse of water. Part of the innovation activities in the company are aimed at developing solutions for circular economy, contributing to the creation of tools for closing the water cycle. Other innovation activities include the improvement in the quality of the water before putting it back to the environment, the reduction in the chemical pollution of water masses, the valorisation of materials associated to water treatment, the axis water-energy, or the digitalisation of the processes involved in the entire water cycle.
Zentrix Lab
Zentrix Lab is an SME founded by Ex Ericsson employees, based in Belgrade, Pancevo, and Tallinn. Company has two core departments: (i) Research & Innovation, Zentrix Lab is a fast-growing branch dedicated to research and application of DLT, IoT and Ai in different fields; (ii) is web3 development and consultancy one-stop-shop with hands on experience in industrial application of #Blockchain technology, MVPs, and prototypes #development. Zentrix Lab role in iMERMAID is development of PFAS sensors devices, data collection, and data traceability based on blockchain certification labelling, enabling chemical pollution (organic chemical) monitoring of the Mediterranean Sea and integrity of the collected data.
APCL was established in 2015 in Cyprus, by a team of Business Professionals, Innovation Managers and Researchers combining technology, innovation and business expertise. APCL’s vision is to become your business partner to innovative ideas which come to improve the life of every citizen in the EU and in the world, through high tech applications.
The team of APCL is comprised of experts in communication, marketing, business strategy, events management and sustainability assessment, helping the dissemination of Innovative results coming from research.
Società Metropolitana Acque Torino SpA (SMAT)
SMAT, Società Metropolitana Acque Torino, ensures the Integrated Water Service to 2.2 million inhabitants in 292 municipalities of the Turin Metropolitan Area. It manages water networks, production, drinking water, collection and wastewater treatment plants that are among the most advanced in Europe. It operates in compliance with the principles of environmental sustainability throughout the production cycle, using systems with low environmental impact, the recovery and reuse of raw materials, and the production and use of renewable energy.
Through a network of collaborations with prestigious universities, national and international research centres, trade associations and industrial partners recognised at a European level, the company has developed a Research Centre integrating different skills, expanding research areas and potential, and contributing to technological innovation and industrial development in the water sector.
H2O-People is an SME based in The Netherlands.
The European Junior Water Programme (EJWP) is the flagship programme and official trade name of H20-people. Registered in 2015, H20-people became active in the public sphere with EJWP, which is its largest initiative in action to date. Our mission is to enable personal & professional growth through unique programmes aimed at connection of talent to realize potential through all career phases. To do this, we guide, train and challenge our clients with new ideas going out of comfort zones to work on new projects, and enlarge networks to learn how they can collaborate with new people and concepts.
H20-people is also a collaboration partner designing tailor-made strategies for participation and funding within EU and other collaboration projects. We focus on the human capital element in programs. We support ambitions of managing a future of natural and technical transformations in the water sector.
ESDAK is a Solid Waste Management Agent on the island of Crete, Greece, tasked with the implementation of the Regional Waste Management Plan. It is a public body and non-profit Legal Entity, and its members are 17 municipalities from three of four prefectures of Crete (Heraklion, Rethymnon and Lasithi).
Armengaud Innovate GmbH is a SME near Graz in Austria. They have expertise in innovation management providing technical, managerial and communication expertise. For the iMERMAID project AIG leads Task 6.3 – Innovation Management, Exploitation and Sustainability, supporting the overall innovation roadmap for iMERMAID, with the ambition to foster the use, consolidate the uptake and seek the sustainability of the Key Exploitable Assets across the value chain.
The CEO of AIG, Dr. Eric Armengaud, acts as innovation manager for iMERMAID.
SoftWater is an ICT start-up company, founded at the end of 2017 by two researchers of the Natural Resource Management Group of Politecnico di Milano. SoftWater develops innovative methodologies and tailored software solutions to support environmental policies and foster innovative and sustainable natural resource management. It offers expertise in Climate assessment for climate change risk impact analysis, Modeling of complex water and environmental systems, Smart platform development for environmental data processing, analysis and visualization.
Highly specialized SME who strive to bring our innovations and technologies into different industries. CubexLab creates technology and digital experiences that enable powerful interactions between businesses and people.
European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a membership organisation set up in 2014. Our main goals are to increase the democratisation of science, encourage the growth of citizen science in Europe, and support the participation of the general public in research processes ⎯ across the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts. Our mission is to make science and research open, accessible and valuable for everyone. To this end, ECSA supports its members by coordinating citizen science projects, performing research on citizen science, and exchanging experiences and capacity-building. In addition to these activities, ECSA engages in research and coordination projects, and acts as a communications hub for citizen science in Europe.
Opalia Pharma Recordati
OPALIA Pharma has been one of the leading manufacturers of generic medicines in Tunisia since 1988. It was a pioneer when it entered the African market in 1993, establishing an international presence in more than 25 countries in Africa and the Middle East. In 2013, the RECORDATI Group made its entry with the acquisition of 90% of OPALIA Pharma’s capital, thus becoming OPALIA RECORDATI, its subsidiary in Tunisia and the only one in Africa. Founded in 1926 and based in Milan, Italy, RECORDATI is an international pharmaceutical company specialising in the development, manufacture and marketing of medicines. Present in over 150 countries, RECORDATI focuses primarily on therapeutic areas such as cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system disorders and rare diseases. RECORDATI is recognised for its global presence, its pursuit of excellence and its commitment to innovation.
BioSense Intitute
BioSense Institute (BIOS) is a research and development institute for application of information technologies in biosystems. Its interdisciplinary approach combines remote sensing, data analytics, image processing and sensor development to increase the profitability, decrease the risks and achieve sustainable food production and environmental integrity. Using advanced machine learning techniques, the knowledge hidden in the data is unveiled to help stakeholders make informed decisions in the fields of agriculture, environmental protection, medicine and other bio-related areas. The institute has an extensive collaboration with farmers, agribusinesses and insurance companies. Since its foundation in 2015, BioSense has become home to more than 100 employees and one of the most prominent institutions in the digital transformation of agriculture.
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is the largest state technical university of Ukraine among universities of research type. The research directions which are closely related to AIDA-TI project and to information processing are R&D of methods and information technologies, and delivery of corresponding services in the Earth observation domain. Scientists from NTUU “KPI” have strong expertise in the areas of remote sensing, GIS, EO services, satellite data processing (optical, radar, multispectral), geospatial data fusion etc. Experts from NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” have been involved and led national and international projects on the use of space technologies targeting agriculture, food security, and environmental monitoring on the basis of AI methods. They are actively participating in international collaborative activities contributing to the GEOSS (GEO-GLAM, JECAM, Disaster WG, AIP), and received grants from Google, CRDF, HORIZON Europe.